Thursday, March 26, 2015

In Celebration Of Rain

I have written a new haiku and a new article. I was inspired while taking a walk today. It started to rain but I didn't care I was determined. Today is a celebration, a gift. I will be working on another poem and that will be called the broom, but its a working title. I have been writing poetry since I was 12. Poetry was a good way for me to express how I was feeling sad. I would rebel, reshape and create with words.

In Celebration Of Rain

By Valerie of Abundancelovetrip

Glitter like Rain

Nature's confetti falls down

Sky celebration


Thankful List Family, god, rain, frozen fruit, joy, hugs, exercise, fuzzy socks, crocs, rainbows, double rainbows, My Art

Pickles and ice cream fabric
Pickles and ice cream fabric by AbundanceLoveTrip
Check out other Pickles and ice cream Fabrics at


Little Red Riding Hood by John Everett Millais Card
Little Red Riding Hood by John Everett Millais Card by loudesigns
Find other Little red riding hood Cards at

Friday, March 13, 2015

Inspieration Day: Creativity Ideas For Artists, Fun Fitness, Toot Your Horn

Creativity Ideas For Artists

Be your own muse don't wait for inspiration or get frustrated by artist block. Take charge of your artistic self. 1. Paint, draw, sculpt something you've already done. You will be surprised how old things can launch new ideas.

2. Finger painting: Sometimes children's art activities can bring new ideas. Finger paints, crayons, play clay, and colored pencils can all become art.

3. Take photos: Your own photos can inspire new art and even be art in itself. Photos of food and landscapes can art in itself.

4. Make a scrap book or even a note book to list artist ideas.

5. Get some of your favorite music and dance

6. Go for a walk even an indoor walk can give you clarity

7. Just create art no matter how imperfect.

8. Go back to an unfinished art project.

9. Go to an art museum.

10. Make a collage.

11. Take an art class or watch an art how to video on youtube about an art technique you don't do. 12. Go to a craft store or and see if the supplies themselves can give you ideas. 13. Cook a homemade meal from scratch. Cooking is creating, and food is art for the belly. 14. Stop comparing yourself to artists and do your own thing. 15. Buy some fruits and vegetables: The amazing colors can be inspiring and tasty too. 16. Buy a children's art app for android, or ipad. Many of these apps are free or very cheap and can be very inspiring. 17. Write your own ideas on index cards, unused children's valentines, decorate them and pick them at random. Do what ever the art card says. One card says, paint or draw, and the next card might be an object or an animal.

18. Read a classic story or book Like Little Red Ridding Hood or pride and prejudice.

19. Scents like perfume can evoke emotions. Use scents to inspire your art.

20. Believe in your art and have fun.

Fun Fitness Ideas

Instead of doing rewards for exercise how about making exercise the reward by making it fun.

March in place while you read book or listen to a book on tape.

Use a stationary bike or do step aerobics while watching TV

Make fitness into some kind of roll playing game, exercise is experience points. Create Supplies worth extra points trade with friends.

Make exercise cosplay outfits. If you want to exercise in costume at home than by all means do so just make sure you have no pieces that can get snagged with fitness equipment like capes. Safety first! This might be fun to do with friends.

Dust off the WII or Kinect and get some fitness video games out.

Reclaim your childhood: I was never good with a hula hoop, jump rope or hop scotch as kid were you? Use your child hood favorites.

Create your own private 5k with only you competing, compete against yourself, your time and be your own cheerleader.

Go to a thrift store. You never know what you might find. There might be ideas sound there. Also its a great place to donate unwanted clean items.

Create your own badges and fitness awards for yourself. I have included a free badge for you to save and print out. This badge is mine and not for commercial use.

Fitness award Template

Toot Your Horn

Share good news with us in the comment section. Have a book published? Made a new piece of art? Ran a 5k? Had a baby or a grand-baby? Got married? Got out of debt? Share it here. Create

My doodle board Dry-Erase board
My doodle board Dry-Erase board by AbundanceLoveTrip
Check out more Kawaii Dry Erase Boards at Zazzle

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Adorable Lobster Zazzle HEART Apron by AbundanceLoveTrip
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Jane Austen writing Business Card
Jane Austen writing Business Card by loudesigns
See other Jane Business Cards at zazzle

Monday, March 9, 2015

Exercise at Many Budget Levels

Exercise For Many Budget Levels

Before you start to exercise, embrace who you are. Exercise should not be about being thin but being stronger and healthy. The celebrities with the so called perfect bodies have an amazing beauty secret that you can purchase called "photo shop." Most celebrity photos are altered heavily. They do not look like they do in magazines. Even 18 and 20 year olds have body flaws.

Exercising makes me feel better not matter what my weight is no matter if I am yo-yoing as long as I am not sick. No Budget:

Walk inside, or march in front of TV barrow fitness DVDS from the library. Go on a exercises treasure hunt bet there is something you have you bought and just aren't using. re-useable Water bottles, small weights, jump ropes, hula hoops, unused fitness equipment can all be useful. Low Budget: Buy a small set of weights:

If you want to lift weights lift weights if you do not than don't lift but don't use soup cans and water bottles. Sorry but soup cans don't weigh enough or grip right. Bottles do not replace weights. If bottles are a pound or more they are usually awkward to hold. Unless you are using discarded water bottles Some brands of disposable water can cost around the same price or more as cheap pound weights. You will save more money in the long run by getting a re-useable water bottle and using tap to drink. Moderate Budget:

1. Pedometers 2. More than one weight set. 3. A high end re-useable water bottle. 4. New sneakers or walking shoes. Big Budget

There are many exercise apps free and pay for android phones and iphones. Getting a cell phone can be expensive but highly motivating. Buying big fitness equipment. Paying to join a 5k. Gym:

if you are a large weight lifter gyms make perfect sense. Gym memberships can run as low as $10 a month. A fancy gym might cost extra. Sometimes the money is well spent on exercise but only if you use it. If you actually use your gym membership than its money well spent, but if your like me I am not a gym bunny or a large weight lifter.

Exercise should be Fun:

Fun by making exercise a reward in itself not something that is torture.

Water Bottles

Water Bottles By Itaya and Loudesigns

Fleur De Lis SIGG Traveler 0.6L Water Bottle
Fleur De Lis SIGG Traveler 0.6L Water Bottle by loudesigns
Browse more Water SIGG Water Bottles at Zazzle