Saturday, May 1, 2021

Tears of Hope


From late March 2021 to September first, 2021 I went out three times during the pandemic, and twice was a walk with masks. This was for the safety of others. I had purchased cloth masks before the government announced because my daughter liked the looks of the masks and they weren't hospital masks. I wrote one novella during that time, and I cried for people I don't know. 

There was never boredom. Revising books are like living in novels. 

Things I have done:

1.I've taken care of my teens.

2.Wrote less, and I have edited more. I wrote two poetry ebooks and created the cover art. 

3.Read books on editing. I'm learning disabled and editing has always been out of reach for me. 


1.Rewrote books.

2.Read the worst book in the world. It was published over a hundred years ago. So many author users and BookTubers claim this or that book is the worst of the year, but none of them have read a horrendous novel.