Tuesday, August 2, 2011

AskAZombieHouseWife Interview with hafapea

AskAZombieHouseWife Interview with hafapea

AskAZombieHouseWife What is your favorite food?*

I have a lot of favorite foods but, right now Unagi is sounding really good and I just drank a homemade cantaloupe, yogurt and banana smoothie that was to die for!

AskAZombieHouseWife What makes you feel Creative?*

As corny as it may sound peace, love and happiness are what make me feel creative. When I have any or all of those things, I am inspired to share what I feel inside.

AskAZombieHouseWife What makes you feel Happy?*

The one thing that makes me feel happy any and every time it happens is getting a hug from my son. He is the light of my soul.

AskAZombieHouseWife Do you have favorite art supplies?*

No. Right now I am very much into digital art, but I have just discovered cold porcelain, so that may soon change.

http://db.hafapea.com - http://ogs.hafapea.com - http://pixels.hafapea.com - http://ocg.hafapea.com
I have promoted http://db.hafapea.com the most - the others are still fairly new.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for featuring me. I love the pieces you selected. They look great :).
